Check is a predicate evaluates to true for any elements of a list.
Bind a function to a specific context, preserving the type of the orginal function.
Monadic bind for es6 promises.
(They handle it internally, but this just helps keep type signatures clear)
Debounce a lazy execution context such that it won't run until it hasn't
been called for wait
Given two object create a new (shallow clone) object that combines the
properties of both. Duplicate keys will be overridden in preference of b
Find the first element in a list that matches a predicate.
Extract the value from an Option, throwing an exception if it's None.
Can be used inside Promise chains to either get a value or reject.
Given a collection of elements of the same type, combine them into a map of lists of like objects, keyed on the chosen property value.
Curried map on lists.
Curried map on Option types.
Curried map onto es6 Promises.
Given a collection of objects of the same type, merge them. Duplicate keys will be overridden such that the right-most is favoured.
Generated using TypeDoc
Check is a predicate evaluates to true for all elements of a list.